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Welcome to our shed


Our aim is to provide a safe, welcoming and creative environment in which to address a wide range of needs for members.  You are invited to come and enjoy fellowship, and engage in activities on offer, with the support of like-minded members.

Image by Markus Winkler

Latest News



A special general meeting has been called to allow the election of two extra members to the Management Committee.


This will take place on Thursday 3 April at 9:00 a.m. in the shed recreation room


Activity calendar

See what's happening at the shed this Month



Catchup with the latest happenings at the shed

 Social Meeting

The next social meeting

  will be held at the

Mt Gravatt Showground's 

Community Hall on

Monday 7th April 2025

from 10.30 am


The meeting concludes around 2.00 p.m.

300 +






Mt Gravatt's Men's Shed Inc. promotes a strong interest in Woodworking, Woodturning, Carpentry, Laser Etching, CNC Routing, Metal Fabrication and Welding. Interest groups also exist in the shed for members such as Art, Bee Keeping, Darts, Guitar, Cooking, Computing, Card Playing, Gardening, Indoor Bowls, 3d Printing, Leatherwork, Photography and Small Engines.


The shed is a friendly and relaxed place with plenty of time for a cup of tea and a chat with other members. No matter what your skills, you will be welcome at the Shed. If you are skilled in any of the areas we cater for, then you are encouraged to pass them on to others or you can learn from others as they pass on their skills.




07 3343 2216



PO Box 239 Mansfield Qld 4122



Monday - Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm

(Closed the 1st Monday of the month for the Social Meeting)

The shed is located in the Mt Gravatt Show Grounds.

Use the entrance off Broadwater Road Mt Gravatt, opposite Wardle Street. Look for the windmill.

Have A QuestioN?

Thank you for your question. We will email our response in the next day or so.



Become a Member and help yourself

Good health is based on many factors including feeling good about yourself, being productive, contributing to your community, connecting with friends and maintaining an active body and mind.

Becoming a shed member provides a safe and busy environment where men can find many of these things in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship. And, importantly, there is no pressure. Men can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for.

Woodshop Tools

Donate your old tools and equipment

All working hand and power tools gratefully accepted

Donate materials to be used in our workshop

Wood, Steel, Aluminium, Nuts, Bolts, Screws 

Cash donations are always welcome

Lumber Selection at Hardware Store
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